Ep101 港式奶茶 (非傳統沖茶方法)


  • 茶葉 20克 (Lipton茶包10個 或 M&S茶包7個)
  • 淡奶 75- 80克
  • 水 適量
  • 糖 適量


  • Bialetti Moka Pot 意大利咖啡壺 (4-cup)


  • Lipton Yellow Label 盒裝茶包 (每個茶包2克)
  • Marks & Spencer Food Extra Strong Tea Bags (每個茶包3克)


  • 黑白淡奶
  • 三花植脂淡奶


  1. 將適量水份加入Moka Pot 內直至水位到達窩釘指定位置。
  2. 在咖啡隔內加入適量茶葉,但切勿用力擠壓茶葉。
  3. 將Moka Pot 裝嵌好, 打開蓋子。以中小火加熱直至所有紅茶從Moka Pot上層滲出。 如紅茶水位沒有再上升,即已完成沖泡過程,可以熄火、關蓋,準備沖茶。
  4. 暖杯:用熱水淋在茶杯的內外(或在杯內加少許水,於微波爐加熱5至10秒),然後把熱水倒出。
  5. 傳統港式奶茶三分一杯是淡奶,三分二是茶。杯中加入適量淡奶。把泡好的茶倒入淡奶中。 根據喜好加糖, 攪勻即成。

Ep101 HK-style Milk Tea

Equiment required:

Bialetti Moka Pot (4-cup)


  • M&S Extra Strong Tea Bags x 7 OR Lipton Yellow Label Tea Bags x 10
  • Evaporated Milk 75 -80g
  • Water (amount depends on Moka Pot sizes)
  • White sugar (up to you!)

Cooking steps:

  1. Fill the heater unit with room temperature water up to the level of the safety valve.
  2. Insert the funnel filter into the heater unit.
  3. Fill the funnel filter with tea leaves, without pressing it down.
  4. Screw the upper part on the heater unit and tighten well.
  5. Put the Moka Pot on the medium-low heat. Open the lid.
  6. When the upper part is almost full with the brewed tea, turn off heat. Close the lid.
  7. Warming the cup: Rinse the tea cup with hot water (or add a little water to the cup and heat it in the microwave for 5 to 10 seconds), then pour out the hot water.
  8. For authentic Hong Kong style milk tea, 1/3 of the cup is evaporated milk and 2/3 of it is tea. Add evaporated milk to the cup and pour the brewed tea into the milk. Add sugar to your liking and mix well. Enjoy!

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